SeaHives are designed to provide aquatic
life with surfaces and shelter where they
can settle, grow, mature and breed.

SeaHives - What Are They?

SeaHives are designed to provide aquatic life with surfaces and shelter where they can settle, grow, mature and breed.  Their design is the result of many personal observations by David Francis while diving on natural and artificial reefs, wrecks and a wide variety of submerged surfaces in both tropical and temperate seas.  In all these locations, David noticed that it was the regular and unhindered flow of water through a stable structure that created and sustained the greatest abundance and variety of life.  

The flowing water brings suspended food particles to the filter feeding animals, including sponges, tunicates, barnacles and tube worms.  These animals grow and spread out across solid surfaces, and in turn are predated by other animals, and thereby initiate a new ‘food chain’.

As well as providing surfaces for new ecosystems to develop, SeaHives also create a variety of habitats for larger fish and invertebrates to occupy, both to shelter from their predators and to mature and breed.

SeaHives tubes are 2m long when they are manufactured, and can then be cut to the ideal length to achieve the greatest benefit for the location where they are to be deployed.

Remote cameras can be secured in SeaHives to monitor the variety and quantity of aquatic life in and around the structure.  Future use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) software will allow the images captured by remote cameras 24/7 to be automatically analysed.  This will provide valuable and timely information about the health of the aquatic environment, especially commercially valuable fish species. 

Get To Know The SeaHives Ltd Team

David Francis

Managing Director

David Francis has a degree in Marine Biology and Oceanography from Swansea University , and an MBA from Imperial College,…

What Our Clients Think

Weymouth Harbour has a strategic vision of “Thriving Dorset harbours at the heart of our communities”. To achieve this, our goal is to work in partnership with our stakeholders and actively engage and support opportunities to enhance and protect the natural environment. The SeaHive project provides an opportunity to increase the diversity and density of marine life in the local area and support the local fishing industry. SeaHives use recycled fishing nets in their manu...

Jamie Joyce

Weymouth Harbour Master | Dorset Council

The current SeaHives Ltd product has strong merits and a clear USP focused on the use of recycled materials to benefit the marine environment. SeaHives Ltd has followed a logical development pathway with a focus on real world tests to both increase awareness of the product, prove its environmental credentials and bypass

Neil Farrington

Position | OREC

The Blue Economy is a regenerative practice. Understanding that the natural world is the foundation of assets upon which economies and societies rest. Regenerating the natural world is therefore a key consideration in all Blue Economy activities. Of course, that does not mean that physical development of infrastructure can not happen. It does mean that when physical infrastructure is required the impact on the natural world, the loss of bio diversity, the reduction in ecological resilience mu...

Jonathan Turner

Co-founder and Director | NLA International Ltd

SeaHives Ltd