One morning in April 2022 the Weymouth Harbour Master’s workboat could be seen heading around the end of the Pleasure Pier in Weymouth Harbour with four SeaHives and a mixed company of crew on board. The weather was a tad cool and overcast at the time, so not ideal for photographs, but the job was accomplished well within an hour of Low Water, to the great delight of everyone on board. Taking part in this adventure was the Harbour Master himself, accompanied by one of his crew, two members of the Weymouth SeaLife Centre Team and David Francis.
The four SeaHives have been designed with two objectives in mind. Their primary purpose is to provide refuge for a wide variety of marine life, especially crabs and other invertebrates, while also serving as a mechanism to dampen wave action in the area which will hopefully protect the adjacent Sea Grass meadow.
The Weymouth Sea Life Centre has kindly part funded this project, and intends to include smaller sections of SeaHives in their aquarium displays, with a cross reference to the larger structures under the Pleasure Pier.